What is Scaffolding in mvc? 

This is basically code generation template for MVC application.
Scaffolding mean "quickly generating a basic outline of your software that you can then edit and customize". In MVC 3 the scaffolding feature provides  auto generated Views, Controllers, Database, Table script and so on. 
All those layers are generated based on the provided model. The fields which are need to be shown / hide in the view can be controlled by the [ScaffoldColumn] attribute. 
It only gives us the basic layout. With that basic layout we can customize our app. Instead of starting our application development from scratch, it gives us some deliverers with which we can design our application.

Like in CRUD (Create,Read,Update and delete) operation we have to create model, view for all functions and controller with each action item so need to write lost of line code.

So with this scaffolding  providing a feature to just select template and model (which is created as per entity) and automatically create controller with all methods and supported view. 

As simple as that...

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